Which Details Should You Look to Include on a Business Profile Page on Social Media?

Which Details Should You Look to Include on a Business Profile Page on Social Media?

Your social media profile is your first impression online. That’s why you need to make sure it’s perfect. It’s not a choice—it’s a must! So, which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media?

Good social media profiles can increase your online visibility, help you bond with your fans or customers, and enhance your online reputation. If you don’t have a big website with your name, your social media profiles are usually the top results Google shows when someone looks for you.

If you have an important site linked to your name, Google will often display your social media profiles as the first results when someone searches for you. See all of your online media accounts as a landing page for your personal brand.

Ignoring your social media profile or thinking your posts are enough is tempting. But creating a powerful social profile will improve your engagement, reinforce your brand, and maintain your messaging.

To put it simply: Yes, your social media profiles matter. And you probably have some room for improvement. Fortunately, our guide on how to build a social media profile can help make you understand: which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media.

Details You Should Include on a Business Profile Page on Social Media

So, which of the following can businesses achieve by using social media? You should include the following amazing things on your business profile page.

Your business social media name

This seems very straightforward. Is it true that the name that appears on your social media site should only be your real name?

In most cases, this is correct. But there are situations when this is not the case. A pseudonym is acceptable on platforms like Twitter, where you don’t have to use your real name.

Look to include your business social media profile with URL

Your identity is often different from real user profiles on most social networking sites, and it’s part of your URL. You usually can’t change your username, so choose wisely.

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It’s always advisable to use your real name if possible. If you’re the face of your company, the company name may be more suitable.

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Your display picture

Should you use a logo or a picture of yourself? If it’s for a personal account, a headshot is usually the best option. What about a business? It’s a hard choice, but it all depends on your objectives.

Use a headshot of yourself if you run a small business or are the face of your company. Brian does the same on Twitter, even using his company’s accounts. Choose the logo if you have a more well-known brand or if you don’t want your company to be associated with you directly.

It’s also a good idea to use the same (or at least a similar) photo on all social media platforms.

Connection to your business social media profiles

This depends on the social media network you use, so look for any option to display your link on your social profile’s main page. For example, you can put a link on the “front page” of your Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

Make sure your link is visible so that visitors can easily locate it and click over to your site. Create a social network specific landing page for your links so you can track which profiles are bringing the most traffic to your site.

You can use these sites to offer visitors who found you on Twitter a discount coupon or to share network-specific information.

Look for a good bio to include in your business social media

Your social profile bio should usually include a sentence or two about yourself or your company. Think of it as where you would put your brief introduction and add keywords.

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How would you describe your company in a few words? It’s also a good idea to make the most of your profile. Some services, like Twitter, will only let you write a short summary.

Your “about” section on a platform like LinkedIn can have up to 2,000 characters. This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and make a good impression.

Include your interests in business social media profile

Some profiles allow you to add more detailed information about yourself, such as your favorite books, TV episodes, and movies. Many people don’t look to include this, especially for business social media profiles, but this is a big mistake.

Think of these spaces as an extra source of valuable information and links. There is no niche that doesn’t have at least a few published books in it. Add books, documentaries, and biographies of prominent people in your field to these extra categories.

This gives you more credibility and allows you to create a new level of connection with others who are learning about you for the first time.

A good background or cover picture

Different platforms have different rules, but most social networks nowadays have some method to add a bigger image behind your main profile page.

Some users, especially on Twitter and LinkedIn, opt to use the default background image, but this is a bad idea. A customized background will let you share more information and give character to you or your brand. Don’t make it too busy or more prominent than your profile picture, but a good cover image can help you personalize your business social media page.

On some platforms, like Facebook, this can even be a video. If you have the chance (and good video), this can be even an even more attractive way to interact with others.

Keeping your profile public

Once you’ve completed your business social media profile and uploaded your photos, the next thing you’ll want to look at is your privacy settings. These will vary by network, but you should make sure that the information you want to share is accessible.

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If this is a professional profile, you’ll probably want almost everything to be public. Of course, if your profile is more personal, you may choose to conceal some information.

So, when looking to expand your business globally on social media, what should you do first? Obviously, keep your profile public to win people’s trust!

Your business social media activity

After you’ve finished your profile setup, your continuous goal will be to keep a healthy level of activity on your main social networks.

It’s not enough to leave a profile empty. You need to participate in the social media platform and build relationships. That’s what they’re meant for in the first place.

No matter what social network you’re on, the basic rules still apply. You’ll want to interact with friends and followers by asking questions and replying to comments. Provide value by posting original ideas, or at least sharing interesting and relevant things you discover.

If you’re in any groups, become an active member. Be useful, connect with others in the group, and share things the group will enjoy.

Promoting the profile

Finally, nothing is better than some good marketing of your social media sites to make it easier for more people to discover and interact with you. Be sure to include links to your business social media profiles on your website, email signature, and business card.

Don’t forget to link your profiles together as well. Many offer places where you can insert links to other platforms, which you should use whenever possible.

Closing thoughts on which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media

So, which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media? Did you get your answer in this post? We have shed light on the 10 most important things to include to make any business profile a success.

Setting up your accounts and profiles correctly is the first step in social media marketing. If you need help with that, Notion Technologies is here to the rescue. Contact us today to have a discussion about all your social media and business needs!