Categories: Web Design

Why Responsive Website Design is Better than Traditional Static Designs?

Web design itself is a craft. It is an art to represent a thought into writings and images for the viewers. The present world is hooked up with gadgets and all are relying on websites even for small things. So the importance of the Website Design is increasing manifold day by day to attract traffic for good business and returns. The new concept has arisen in the horizon of website designing that helps to draw more attention and create more business. It is known as Responsive Website Design. It is not old wine in the new bottle.

What is the new concept?

Responsive Website design is a different approach where a website is crafted to provide optimal viewing and imparts better viewer interactions. The website has more fluidity than other rigid designs. It means that it takes the shape of the container. A static composition is going to be history as the new trend is catching up very fast due to its user-friendly environment. The website environment is turned into a responsive one by changing the static design into a dynamic one offering better interaction.

A responsive design needs modern practices like:

  • The first one is, of course, replacing static compositions with a responsive dynamic prototype.
  • Thinking of the environment where the website will face extreme factors to fit so that it can accommodate in all devices (from desktops to smartphones).
  • Using Lo-Fi (lower fidelity prototype designs) options in the designing process.

The important point to start with is to keep the content ready. Otherwise, the website will be like a template where the clients will start dumping their content and the whole venture will turn messy. Content in hand gives the leverage to decide what is important or of high priority for the viewers. This helps the hierarchal layout designs to be done precisely. Though the whole content is not available all the time but a simple layout of the idea is enough to start.

After the Content-First step, the next step to consider is a Mobile-First approach. Here the design will be done in such a way that it fits wherever it is kept (fluidity as mentioned earlier). Even the images will be fitting all types of screen resolutions. It means that the designs will be based on percentage not on pixels anymore.

Why Responsive Website Design?

The responsive style as mentioned earlier is more interactive than the other static compilations. The animations (large and small scale) in the menu, navigation, hovering features, slideshows and motion viewings definitely change the environment of the website into an attractive one giving the viewer better details and idea about the content of the website. Background videos and micro-interaction animation make them feel cozy and comfortable. The responsive design makes the website navigation fun and keeps the Traffic Engaged for a longer time. The traffic volume will automatically increase for the attractive approach and make them stay longer or return for more. The more traffic is drawn the more is the profit made. The equation is quite simple.

Caroline Murphy

Staff Writer. Frequently covers tech, business psychology, social media, startups and digital marketing.

Published by
Caroline Murphy

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